Better than Girl Scouts Cookies?


Have you heard of the cooking site called

It’s my go-to website for finding new, simple, and delicious recipes.

The other day I was in the mood for chocolate chip cookies.

So I went on to search for something quick and easy.

But the recipe I found was far from usual…

Because of ONE ingredient:

CBD Oil (true story).

Now, I’ve got to be honest with you.

I’ve never cooked or baked with CBD oil. Until that day.

But the whole idea of adding my favorite CBD oil into chocolate chip cookies was intriguing.

So I gave it a try… and I loved it!

Here’s why:

First of, adding Orange Cream Royal Blend CBD oil to the recipe gave my cookies a subtle orange flavor. 

And it made otherwise mediocre cookies taste better than any Girl Scouts cookie.

Plus I didn’t even have to add orange zest or anything of sorts.

So the cookies tasted spectacularly good.

But taste aside, there is another reason why I now bake CBD cookies all the time.

It’s an easy way to make sure I get my daily dose of CBD oil.

See, I’m not getting any younger. And I tend to be forgetful when it comes to taking my vitamins and supplements.

But if I have the cookies… well, I’ll no doubt eat a couple throughout the day…

And that way, I don’t have to worry about getting my daily dose of CBD oil.

If you’re like me, then I’m sure you’ll love the idea of making CBD cookies…

So here’s the recipe.



P.s. you can use any CBD oil you like, but I highly recommend making cookies with our Orange Cream CBD oil. It will take your cookies to a whole new level taste.

Plus our CBD oil is the broad spectrum type, and the third lab tested. 

Which means it’s the highest quality hemp extract you can ever find.  

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